After many years of calling 849 Fell Street their home, my roommates Tom and Ted are moving out at the end of the month. Jeremy and I have been relying principally on Craigslist to find new roommates. Rather than direct incoming applications to either (or both) of our personal inboxes, we opted to create a new, special-use Gmail account (appropriately named That much isn’t novel, but we’ve also developed a quick and easy system for categorizing and responding to applicants that I want to share.
As a Rails app, it would be natural to break the data into a few tables: “roommates”, “applicants”, “ratings”, “appointments”, and “correspondences”. In our case there are only two rows in the “roommates” table: Jeremy and me. Every reply to our Craigslist ad creates rows in “applicants” and “correspondences”. Assuming Jeremy likes an application, it creates a row in the “ratings” table (e.g. roommate: 1, applicant: 37, rating: “approve”). One of us replies, creating a new row in “appointments”, etc. That’s a lot of work, which is why I’m happy to have found a way to do the same thing inside Gmail.
Because Craigslist correspondences happen over email anyway, every Gmail thread is a row in “applicants”, plus >1
row in “correspondences”. Instead of tables for “ratings” and “appointments”, labels can be used to track the status
of applicants (e.g. JeremyLikes
, JeremyPass
, InterviewScheduled
, RejectionSent
Generous labeling affords other useful tricks. Add the “Quick Links” lab and save custom, frequently used queries. Here are some that we find useful:
- Brian likes, Jeremy hasn’t decided:
label:brianlikes AND -{label:jeremylikes label:jeremypass}
- Jeremy likes, Brian hasn’t decided:
label:jeremylikes AND -{label:brianlikes label:brianpass}
- Needs “thanks but no thanks” note:
label:brianpass AND label:jeremypass AND -{label:rejectionsent}
- Let’s set up an interview:
label:brianlikes label:jeremylikes -{label:interviewscheduled}
- Needs attention:
label:requiresfollowup OR -{label:brianlikes label:brianpass label:jeremylikes label:jeremypass}
I hope this trick comes in handy the next time you need to collaboratively categorize and search some data. One word of caution: as of this writing, there is a bug in Gmail involving labels containing dashes (I switched to camel case after many frustrating and fruitless attempts to fix my search queries). Good luck!